Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Well hello there

Testing, testing, 1, 2, 3…
Here goes nothing.  After years following other bloggers, I have finally decided to start my own.  First things first. 

Here’s a little background on yours truly.  After 5 agonizing years working as a media buyer in NYC, I decided to change my life..  I wanted a career where I could make a difference, not just making someone else money.  I signed up for a few courses at my local community college to test the waters and see if I could get myself back into student-mode.  My first semester smorgasbord consisted of Nutrition, Phonetics, Intro to Physical Therapy…and yup…you guessed it…..INTRO TO SPEECH LANGUAGE PATHOLOGY.  Well, we can all assume what I LOVED!
Then I was off.  I took all of my pre-requisite courses wherever I could find them.  (Wherever turned out to be FOUR separate colleges).  But I got through it, took the GRE and voila, got into graduate school..
Now 3 years later, I am completing my Clinical Fellowship year!  I absolutely love my job.  I love my students.  I find myself not only being a speech and language therapist but a counselor and friend. 
This blog will be a tribute to the fact that with hard work, you can do whatever you want!  That’s what I tell my students
 and it is 100% true.
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