Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Picture This! A Describing FREEBIE

I am pretty excited to go back to school and see all my kiddos!  I've been getting organized and working on some materials that I think they will love.

Check out my latest FREEBIE Picture This! A describing activity:) Find it HERE on TpT.

Print. Laminate and cut all cards.
Use page 3 to introduce the topic of describing and offer models.
Let each student choose their own camera to use during the activity for fun.
(page 4)
Students take turns choosing “picture” cards. (pages 5-10).  Go through these cards and select the ones most relevant to your students before use.  There are plenty to choose from and some may not be relevant to every part of the county.
On each students turn, they will read the card silently and describe the place printed using attributes. 
The other students must guess the place being described.
Prompt students to describe the place as if they are describing a picture to someone who has never seen it. 
If another student guesses the place, the student describing keeps the card.
The student with the most cards at the end of the game wins.
Enjoy and please leave feedback on TpT if you want to see more!

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